Monthly Archives: November 2015

Book Club: The Martian


Well, I need to start off by saying that The Martian by Andy Weir, our pick for this month’s Book Club, is most definitely NOT a book I would have normally picked up.  And honestly, even as I was reading it, I kept thinking “this is sooooo not a book I would normally read” and yet … wow.

Let me step back and give you a clearer picture.  I like writing.  I like coloring in coloring books.  I don’t always stay in the lines.  I start cleaning the bathroom and then move to the family room before I’m finished cleaning the bathroom.  I have more than one junk drawer.  I may or may not care which way the toilet paper roll is put on … GASP!  Ok, you get it.  And, I know, I’m being very stereotypical, but I’m highly right brain.  Like, my left brain may not exist.  When the kids have math and science homework issues, we all take a moment of silence to pray that their father will be home early from work that day.  Even google doesn’t help me.  My search requests in relation to science and math typically end in “for dummies” or “for kindergartners”.  Have I killed this enough for you?  Ok, good.

Here’s my point: Andy Weir is a genius.  Yeah, I said it.  A total genius.  This book was littered … LITTERED … with math and science.  Complex equations and theories and science gobbledygook.  And I LOVED it!  Absolutely, read it in 2 days, ADORED it!

Here’s where Andy Weir’s real genius came in … he made the main character, Mark Watney, so amazing, and unexpected, and remarkable, and, at times, counterintuitive that I instantly fell in love with him.  Plus he’s darn funny.  Maybe that’s why I fell in love with him ;).  Either way, Mark Watney’s attitude throughout what, for the rest of us, would be the most horrifying experience one could ever imagine … left alone on Mars with nowhere near enough food and water … is downright inspiring.  In other words, the world needs more Mark Watneys.

Did you fall in love with Mark Watney?  Or am I the only crazy one who always falls in love with main male characters? (don’t answer that)  What was your favorite aspect of Mark’s character?

And, O.M.G. (channeling my inner 12 year old), how many obstacles could this guy possibly have to overcome??  I bit half my nails off worrying what was going to happen next!  Even when I reminded myself this was “just a book”.  And, by the way, all my book lovers out there know this feeling.  I actually threw up a little typing the words “just a book” … that’s easily the most horrific thing you could say to book lovers.  Well, to me anyway 🙂  But back to The Martian

Did you find yourself caught up in the drama?  Do you have any bad habits that come out when you’re immersed in a book – like nail biting or letting your kids raise themselves for 2 days while you all but live inside of an intense novel?  Me neither.

I’d love to know your thoughts on the book!!  Leave comments for me!  Or emojis!  Or letters in my mailbox!! (???) I love knowing when others love a book as much as I do.  And, fine, I can handle it if you had some issues with the book 🙂 … just don’t be too hard on Mark (swoon).

BACK TO THE BOOK … jeez, Carrie!

Did you have a hard time with the science whatchamacallits and the math gibberish?  Were you able to let it go and just enjoy the book?  Or did you find yourself with a notepad and pencil scratching your head and ripping your hair out (me, circa 1992, Calculus I)?

I haven’t seen the movie yet because I have been impatiently waiting for both my 14 year old daughter and my husband to finish reading it.

Do you ever want to murder … never mind.  

And, as usual, we will be giving away a free copy of our next book club pick (see below)!  Just leave a comment!



Speaking of which …  I CANNOT believe we haven’t picked one of this author’s books yet!  I have a hardcore crush on this lady!  Meredith and I hope you’ll join us in reading …


Here is Amazon’s description:

Simon Snow is the worst Chosen One who’s ever been chosen.

That’s what his roommate, Baz, says. And Baz might be evil and a vampire and a complete git, but he’s probably right.

Half the time, Simon can’t even make his wand work, and the other half, he starts something on fire. His mentor’s avoiding him, his girlfriend broke up with him, and there’s a magic-eating monster running around, wearing Simon’s face. Baz would be having a field day with all this, if he were here–it’s their last year at the Watford School of Magicks, and Simon’s infuriating nemesis didn’t even bother to show up.

Carry On – The Rise and Fall of Simon Snow is a ghost story, a love story and a mystery. It has just as much kissing and talking as you’d expect from a Rainbow Rowell story – but far, far more monsters.


So there you have it! Join us next month for our review and discussion about Carry On by Rainbow Rowell!  And feel free to read all of her other amazing books as we’ll have a hard time not bringing them up!!

Wanna win a copy

Don’t forget to leave a comment so you can be entered to win a copy of Carry On! As long as you are 18 or older and live in the continental U.S., you are eligible. The winner will be picked November 13th!

Happy Reading!!